On Wednesday, June 27, a number of Rosemont staff; teachers and EA's participated in the Superhero Training Academy in order to properly equip them for their new adventures as teachers and educational assistants in new and different schools in Regina Public. The superheros leaped over tall buildings in a single bound, carried babies over boiling lava and lifted extremely heavy objects. All of the superheros graduated from the academy and will be leaving Rosemont for their new assignments. Congratulations and best of luck to:
Teachers: Mrs. Perras, Mrs. Tkach, Ms. Kemp, Mme. Picard, Mrs. Howlett, Mrs. Mazhar, Mr. Robinson, Ms. Sageer, Mrs. Streifel and Mrs. Brown
Ea's: Mr. Husli, Mrs. Szarkowicz, Mr. Watson, Ms. Irfan, and Mr. Levesque
We also honoured another superhero, Mrs. Springstead our SCC chair person who is moving to Ontario with her family.
Congratulations to all of our wonderful Justice League, I know you will continue to do amazing things in your new buildings.