As we prepare to re-open our school this fall, the safety measures we are implementing are outlined as follows. These plans and practices in our school will evolve as things continue to change in the province. Our focus will remain on the safety of our students and staff, and we are developing plans to ensure we provide the safest possible environment for your child. All school spaces will be disinfected daily. We will ensure on the spot sanitation of frequently used items such as laptops and iPads. As we return to school, we will also focus on connections, relationships and learning. Students have been out of school for five and a half months so we will make sure they feel safe, secure, and have a sense of belonging, as these are vital to the success of learning.
Masks have been made mandatory for all students in grades four and up for Regina Public Schools. Students will be required to wear masks at all times when physical distance guidelines cannot be maintained. All students will receive one reusable mask but are encouraged to have more than one. If students are in their cohort and able to socially distance (outside, for example) they may be able to remove their mask. Staff will also be wearing masks or face shields as needed. All students will need a full bottle of water brought to school every day as the water fountains have been turned off. Scent-free hand sanitizer will be provided. There will be no drop-offs and deliveries made to the school. Please ensure your child has everything they need prior to leaving for school and ensure that all items are labelled. Do not have food delivered.
All students will be given a Rosemont Bagged lunch for the first day of school (September 8th and 9th) regardless of whether or not they are staying for lunch. The lunch canteen cards (if wishing to purchase) will begin on September 10th. In light of Covid-19 and evolving health practices, the Rosemont nutrition program has undergone changes to adhere to compliance regulations in regard to safe food handling practices. The 2020/21 school year will offer one entrée, one fruit/dessert, and one drink via the Rosemont canteen lunch for $3/meal. Lunch will be delivered to your child’s class at noon and Menchies will continue to be an available option. Safe food handling, and reducing the spread of germs, is a priority for everyone’s safety, therefore all canteen payments must be paid online. In emergent situations, where cash is necessary, exact cash must be provided as no change can be provided due to Covid-19 limitations on handling and exchange of money. In addition, we are excited to roll out the Rosemont “Litterless Lunch.” In promoting mindfulness around reducing waste and reducing the transmission of germs, all students are required to bring reusable lunch containers and to take home any remaining lunch waste. Microwaves will no longer be able for student use. While these adjustments will be a change for all of us, we trust you will support us in making our school environment as safe as possible for students and staff as we “are all in this together.” We will be staggering our lunch times and recesses as follows.
Group #1-Mrs. Ramos-Mckenzie (grade 1/2), Mrs. Turner (grade 2/3), Mrs. Smith (grade 4/5), and Mr. Brown (grade 6/7) will have recess from 11:45-12pm and lunch from 12-12:45pm.
Group #2-Mrs. Hurrell (grade 1/2), Ms. Franklin (grade 3/4), Ms. Corbett (grade 5/6), and Mrs. Fisher (grade 7/8) will have recess from 12:30-12:45pm and lunch from 11:45-12:30pm.
We will have a staggered start to the school year for grade 1-8 students. Last name starts with A-K will attend school on Tuesday September 8th and Thursday September 10th. Last name starts with L-Z attend on Wednesday September 9th and Friday September 11th. All students will attend on Monday September 14th. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten staggered start is still to be determined by the division. This year, because of COVID‐19, we are encouraging all NEW elementary student registrations to be completed online by going to www.reginapublicschools.ca/registration. Only students new to a school need to go through the registration process. At the beginning of the school year we see many in-person registrations. This year, a registration table will be set-up outside. Families will not be permitted into the school. Please take a registration envelope to fill out at home. Once completed, please call our office at 306-791-8466 and we will arrange for a staff member to meet you outside to pick up your childs’ registration. Your child will start school two days after registration to allow for the school staff to prepare and set up.
Regina Public Schools is now providing remote learning for the 2020-21 school year. eSchool – Regina Public Schools Online Learning is for students who require an alternative way of learning outside of a school classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Courses are for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students and are specifically designed for learning in an online environment. Each online course will be taught by a teacher who will provide learning resources, activities, assessment, and opportunities for interaction. Because online learning is facilitated through the internet, course materials and activities will be accessible anytime and anywhere as long as a student has a device and internet connectivity. However, some learning is also designed to take place offline, in part to avoid excessive screen time. eSchool is administered by Regina Public Schools and there will be no cost to our school families. Registration for eSchool is now open. Upon completion of the registration process, families will be contacted by Regina Public Schools eSchool staff. Kindergarten to Grades 8 curriculum will be available. Students who register for eSchool will be required to commit to remote learning for a designated time frame. Part-time enrolment will not be available. Students will have opportunities to return to their home school at natural transition times during school year (end of reporting periods). To register for eSchool, please click here or follow the link; https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SGjaHopcvEqeXPccExfMvZ6BuPgIi09PtKMetkOGEmtUOFFZRjdKQlhBQjNXWk9UMkdJSEQ4WlhIQy4u
Division has made the decision for all elementary schools to have recess from 8:53-9:08 and from 3:22 to 3:37 in lieu of recess during the morning or afternoon. Classes may use our school playground or walk to other nearby greenspaces if appropriate. Students will be encouraged to walk/bike to school and arrive around the 9:08 mark. For any students being dropped off or picked up from school, parents are encouraged to park down the street and have their child walk the remainder of the way or walk with them if needed. Parents will not be permitted on the playground during these times to allow for social distancing. If needed, start practicing where you will meet your child at the end of the day. Teachers and school staff will assist in staggering and slowing student entry at all entrances.
All students in all classes will have yellow X markers outside the doors where they will now enter the school. Students will be shown how to line up apart from one another as expected and wait until each class enters separately.
Ms. Wiens |
Pre Kindergarten |
North door |
Mr. Kohuch |
Kindergarten |
North door |
Mrs. Ramos-Mckenzie |
1/2 |
North door |
Mrs. Hurrell |
1/2 |
Primary door (back of school, north) |
Ms. Franklin |
2/3 |
Primary door (back of school, north) |
Mrs. Turner |
3/4 |
Primary door (back of school, north) |
Mrs. Smith |
4/5 |
East door (back of school, south) |
Ms. Corbett |
5/6 |
East door (back of school, south) |
Mr. Brown |
6/7 |
Community door (front south door) |
Ms. Fisher |
7/8 |
Community door (front south door) |
Students who are arriving late, will be directed to knock on the office window to advise when they have arrived and stand on the yellow X marker on the concrete ground outside of the office and our administration assistant will let you in when it is safe in following social distancing guidelines.
Please do not send your child to school if they are sick. If they arrive at school sick or develop symptoms during the day, you will be notified immediately and required to pick up your child. While waiting for pick up, the child will be isolated from others, and expected to wear a mask (when feasible). Please ensure your emergency contact list is up to date, and that someone is available to pick up your child if you are not. Students can return to school 48 hours after they are asymptomatic.
For the safety of our staff and students, only staff and students are permitted in the building. Student drop-offs and pick-ups must be done outside. Face to face parent meetings will be very limited and in emergent/appt. basis only. If for any reason you do need to come into the school building, you will be required to wear a mask and wash your hands upon entry. We will continue to keep you informed about new developments as they happen. We truly look forward to seeing the students again as we missed them very much and want to provide the safest environment for your child.