With the recent cold weather, we are again experiencing problems with parents parking in the staff lots or blocking staff in by pulling into the alley or the handicapped stall at the front of the school. For student safety, it is critical that parents and caregivers park on the west side of Horace across the street from the school or farther down on 3rd avenue. There is no parking on Horace directly in front of the school as the signs indicate. The safety patrol is on duty at 3:20 to ensure the students safely cross the street. Prekindergarten and kindergarten parents, please park and walk to the door to pick up you children. This is safer for our students and good exercise for you! The handicapped spot in front is not for drop off or pick up of children; only those with a valid handicapped permit or delivery trucks may park in that stall. There are frequently staff meetings and professional development after school and staff are finding themselves late due to being boxed in. Thank you for your co-operation.