Rosemont Community School
841 Horace Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4T 5L1
(306) 791-8466
Hello Rosemont Roadrunner Families!
We hope you are enjoying a restful summer! We are busy getting everything ready for staff, who start August 27th and for our students who return September 8th!
You will be receiving more personalized information by your classroom teacher within the upcoming week, just a reminder, teachers are due back at school on August 27th. We also want to encourage you to check our RBE website, School website, Twitter feed and SCC Facebook page for the most current information as things are literally changing every few days. The local news is also a good place to check for updates.
With an expected population of around 240 students the average class will have approximately 25 students. Most students will be seated in desks or singular tables, facing forward, but we will not be able to maintain a 2-metre distance between students in the majority of classrooms. Students in grades 4-8 and all staff will therefore wear masks (please purchase more than one) and students in grades K-3 will be encouraged to do so as well. Please have students practice wearing a mask before the start of school. Backpacks will be placed on the back of student chairs so they have everything they need close by. Students should come ready for the day with everything they need in their backpacks, including filled water bottles.
Students will remain in their classroom groups – or cohorts – every day. Specialist teachers, learning resource teachers, administration, educational assistants, etc., will interact with the cohort in their space to avoid having the students move about. Students will also eat in their room with the same cohort. We encourage as many students as possible to go home for lunch. More information regarding our lunch program and how it will work this year are forthcoming. There are definitely going to be some changes due to Covid 19 protocols so we appreciate everyone’s patience along the way.
The library and gyms will be closed for September. As well, there will be no extra-curricular activities or back to school events at this time.
Students will not work in the hallways or breakout rooms and all supplementary furniture has been stored to allow our facility staff the time to do a thorough cleaning every night and reduce the temptation to mix groups.
We are very fortunate at Rosemont to have a large playground area and multiple entry/exit points. At the start of each day, students will meet their teachers/supervisors in designated spots on the playground and/or front school grounds and be dismissed from the same location. These specific areas will be communicated soon. Parents will not be allowed on the playground during school hours. Parents will not be allowed in the school unless it is an emergent situation. We encourage phoning the school or emailing the teacher to communicate. Families with primary children are encouraged to start practicing now where you will meet your child at the end of the day if walking. Students that are late will come in the front doors.
Recesses have been moved in order to limit the coming and going from classrooms but will be used primarily to stagger entering and exiting the building. Our new hours are:
8:53-9:08 – Morning recess
9:08 – 11:45 – Morning classes
11:45 – 12:45 – Lunch and 1 recess (staggered)
12:45 – 3:22 – Afternoon classes
3:22 – 3:37 – Afternoon recess
We ask that students come as close to 9:05 as possible to avoid overcrowding on our playground. When possible, students are encouraged to ride their bikes or walk to school. If you are dropping off your child and they are able, please drop them off near the end of the block and ask them to walk the last bit, again to avoid congestion. The same applies at 3:22. Students who have their parents’ permission will be free to make their way home rather than stay for recess at the end of the day. To avoid congestion please park a distance away and either meet your child or set up a pick-up point just down the street from the school. There will be a note sent home the first week of staggered start for you to sign acknowledgement of this new practice.
You will be contacted by your classroom teacher prior to the beginning of school by September 2nd via email or phone. They will introduce themselves, share the routine for day 1, and answer questions you may have, confirm drop off and pick up points, etc.
Grades 1-8 -The first day of school is Tuesday, September 8th, however the school start-up will be staggered. This means that not all students will start and attend school at the same time during the first week. Students with the last name A-K will come on the 8th and 10th. Students with the last name L-Z will come on the 9th and 11th. Families with different last names in the same family unit can come in the L-Z group. The reason for the staggered start is to help students and staff transition to learning safely. During these first four days, there will be fewer students in class and teachers and other staff will be able to work more closely with students to help them adjust to safety guidelines and to learn about how their school days will be different. Regular schedule resumes the week of September 14th. Please note, Kindergarten parents you will receive a Kindergarten back to school letter with details by Wednesday, September 2nd.
All students will be encouraged to wash their hands regularly. Soap and paper towels will be supplied in all classrooms. Bottles of hand sanitizer will be provided to teachers and students for use in the classroom. If students bring sanitizer, please ensure it is scent free! Every staff member who enters and exits classroom will also use sanitizer.
We know there has been a lot of questions pertaining to if a child is ill at school. Please note that the child will be removed from the classroom and placed in our designated space (Arts Ed Room 7) where they will be supervised until a parent/caregiver arrives. As a school division we are following all Saskatchewan Health Authority back to school protocols, including a sick child at school. SHA’s information is found on their website and is continually being updated. Important to note, at the start of the school year, a demographic sheet will be sent home with your child(ren), please update and add contacts if you would like too and return to school or email back as quickly as possible so we can update our information in PowerSchool.
If you are interested in remote learning for Term 1 (September to January 30th), please go to https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/eschool. This is not the same as the supplemental learning we provided in March-June but rather the full curriculum with on-going assessment. Please contact eschool@rbe.sk.ca if you have any questions.
Much more information to come but we wanted to give you an initial picture so you can decide what is best for your child this fall. As always, we commit ourselves to making Rosemont School a great place to be and learn!
We look forward to connecting with you soon!
Ms. Exner & Ms. Truong