Hello Community Members,
The Rosemont Mount Royal Community Association will be holding their next monthly meeting this Tuesday April 2nd at 7:00pm at Rosemont Community School in their conference room –use parking lot doors. As community member you are always welcome to any or all of our meetings. We are volunteers on this Association and “A Program Partner” with the City of Regina. This Association addresses local concerns/ provides programs/events and other services within this Community.
Some Upcoming Events this Spring will include:
Annual Community Family Fun Day and Strawberry Social Sunday April 28th 1:00- 4:00pm @ Martin Collegiate
Bloom’ N Community in May to enhance our Community with flower displays.
Community Garage Sale Friday June 7th & Saturday June 8th
For further information on these events or for any other general inquiries for the RMRCA email: rmrca@myaccess.ca or visit our Website at www.rmrca.com
Thank-you to all the Schools & Churches in this Community who assist us with many of our programs and events for the residents in this area!
Elaine Dittmann
Rosemont Mount Royal Community Association
(306 ) 543-4402