Some families still have outstanding lunchroom supervision fees. At Rosemont, we are willing to accept lunchroom supervision fees monthly ($10 per month) to alleviate financial stress. Lunchroom supervision fees go toward paying the supervisors who look after the lunchroom as that is a paid position and is not part of the duty of teachers or support staff. This fee has nothing to do with the canteen. If your child is staying for lunch, the fee should be paid. If you are having issues paying the fee due to financial struggles, please contact Mrs. Neiszner at the school.
- Parents of all Kindergarten to Grade 8 students staying at noon will be required to pay a registration fee at the beginning of the school year.
- Parents of Kindergarten to Grade 8 students whose child will stay at noon must complete a lunchroom registration form for each child who will be using the lunchroom services of the school.
- Full-time is defined as 51% or more usage; part-time is defined as 50% or less usage.
- The fee rate will be as follows:
- Full-time - $100 per year per child
- Part-time - $50 per year per child
- Students registered at a Regina Public school after January 31st will pay the pro-rated rate of $50/$25 per child for that school year.
- Fees will be paid one time through the school office. A receipt of payment of noon-hour supervision fees will be provided to parents if requested. Parents will be encouraged to pay in full at the beginning of the school year. To support families who may have financial need, there is the option of splitting the payments, half paid in September and half paid in February.
- If a family moves from one Regina Public school to another, the fee is transferable but is non-refundable.
- Where there is financial need, families may contact their school principal.
- The maximum paid by one family will be $200. This applies to both full-time and part-time usage, as well as registrations after January 31st.- (Families that have more than 2 or more children will pay a maximum of $200.00 for the year for full-time lunchroom usage. Families with children that are part-time and have 2 or 3 children will pay $50.00 per child. Families that are part-time and have 4 or 5 children will pay $50.00 per child with a maximum of $200.00 for the year.)