The City of Regina came to meet with us at the school to share some upcoming changes to encourage traffic safety. The yield sign at the corner of 3rd and Horace will be replaced with a stop sign, the crosswalk on the south side of 3rd Avenue crossing Horace into the parking lot will be removed and the cross walk on the north corner of 3rd Avenue crossing Horace will be clearly marked with "zebra crosswalk paint". The handicapped parking directly in front of the school has been removed as it prevented access to emergency vehicles. The city will be designating handicapped parking on Horace directly in front of the bus zone. Until this signage is posted, there is one handicapped spot in the north parking lot available. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope the City is fast with the rezoning. If you require a handicapped parking spot in front of the school for a meeting or special event, please call the school ahead of time and Mrs. Neiszner will move her car to the street to provide you with a spot.
Parking enforcement and the Regina Police Service will once again be monitoring our school to prevent parents from dropping children off in the middle of the street, parking in no parking zones, u turns on Horace and other safety concerns.