Mrs. Goertzen had not yet set up the School's Cash Online service for fees, lunchroom etc. but it will be available next week! Schools cash online is an excellent payment option for parents.
Benefits of online fee payment include:
- Safe - less cash travelling to school with students.
- Efficient - less cash to count and handle at the school office.
- Convenient for parents/students – make payments anytime, online.
- Payment flexibility through a secure website – debit, credit card (MC and VISA) and eWallet
Here’s how to register.
Step 1: Click on the following button to get to the School Cash Online website:
Step 2: Follow the registration steps to set up an account and link your child/self to the account.
Step 3: Access your School Cash Online account to review your account and make online payments.
Note: The friendly staff at the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk are available to 24/7 (365 days) to provide any assistance you may require using the online system. Assistance is available on the School Cash Online website, by emailing parenthelp@schoolcashonline.com or by phone at 1-866-961-1803.
Please follow this link for a handy one page how-to guide to registration.