For your information, the Regina Police Service is now accepting online applications for Police Information Checks (PIC). This service has a number of restrictions, but is available to volunteers who qualify for online applications; eligibility to apply is outlined on the online application. Please be advised, there is an additional service fee for the online service, increasing the fee to $21. There is no fee increase for in-person applications at the Regina Police Service.
The Regina Police Service indicates that, if an individual applies for a PIC to volunteer with Regina Public Schools and is accepted for online Police Information Checks, the Police will continue to send an original to Division Office for its files.
Please note that the Division’s practice is not changing in any way. Prior to any individual being clear to volunteer in a school, an original clear Police Information Check MUST be received at Division Office. This PIC must indicate it is for Regina Public Schools and specify the school(s) for which the person wishes to volunteer.