Do you have a child who will turn 5 by December 31, 2019? If so, he or she can register for kindergarten! Please call Mrs. Goertzen at 306 791-8466 to register for kindergarten 2019-2020! We will be hosting a number of events for our future kindergarten students including a parent information night and a test drive where next year's kindergarten students can experience what it is like in kindergarten! Don't miss out, get registered today so we can keep you informed of all of the exciting events for our future kindergarten students!
Dear 2019-2020 kindergarten parents,
This is such an exciting time for you as you prepare to send your children off to kindergarten in the fall! This letter is to inform you that Rosemont Community School will be moving back to a half day kindergarten program for the 2019-2020 school year. This change has been approved by the Regina Public School Board and is supported by the Rosemont School Community Council. Half day kindergarten means that the kindergarten students will come to school every school day but only stay for the morning or the afternoon. Currently our kindergarten students come for a full day every second day.
We feel that this change is advantageous to our school community for several reasons: It creates an easier transition from pre-kindergarten to kindergarten, as students will follow a similar schedule coming for half a day, families will not have the expense of lunchroom fees for kindergarten students, students can follow regular daily routines and parents will not have to regularly consult a calendar to remember which days their children attend school. Because we do not have transportation, we were able to apply for this change to our current kindergarten schedule. We hope that half day kindergarten will be a positive experience for your child and for your family!
Should you have any questions or concerns about this change, do not hesitate to call me at the school, 306 791-8466.
Hillary Ibbott Neiszner
Principal, Rosemont Community School