Our canteen runs much more efficiently when students use lunch cards for their meals. When you purchase a lunch card online or in the office you receive 11 lunches for the price of 10! We offer $20 lunch cards (11 lunches) or $30 lunch cards (11 lunches including drink and dessert). Purchasing these cards saves us time and saves you money!
When students come to the canteen with cash, there is always the risk of money being lost or stolen, the canteen does not always have change for large bills that are being used to purchase $2.00 or $3.00 lunches. Making change holds up the line and it takes longer to serve all of the students. This is why canteen cards are the way to go! We also offer cash cards for those who can't decide or want to purchase other items such as Menchie's!
We really appreciate families purchasing lunch cards online or through the office! Remember, if you purchase online, please send your receipt to rosemont@rbe.sk.ca for Mrs. Goertzen's records!
Thank you for your co-operation!