Hello Community Members!
We appreciate all the Schools and Churches in our community, who allow us space in their facility, so that we may coordinate programs/events & services for our Residents, right here in OUR Community!
As always, let us know if our Association is able to assist your Groups/Parent Councils etc. at Schools and Churches that are in our community with their advertising Events on Our 2 RMRCA Outdoor Signs(4th Ave & Lewvan and S. McCarthy Blvd. )/ on our Web-site/Newsletter/Face book page or to send out in our Community Group E mail. This Community Association provides this as a “complimentary service” for them. Please forward this information on to your other groups.
The next Rosemont Royal Community Association Board & Resident’s Monthly Meeting will be on Tuesday March 5th @ 7:00pm at Rosemont School –Conference Room –Use Parking Lot Doors. ( Thank-you to Rosemont Community School for offering this wonderful space for these monthly meetings!)
All are welcome to attend and provide input into community issues.
I have attached a copy of the next RMRCA Community Event…. a Community Family Fun Skate! Hope that you will be able to post in your Newsletters/Bulletins/Web-sites or Bulletin Boards.
For any questions regarding our Association , email - rmrca@myaccess.ca or visit our website www.rmrca.com
Elaine Dittmann
Rosemont Mount Royal Community Association
(306 ) 543-4402