Our School



School Demographics


Rosemont Community School is located at 841 Horace Street.  Currently Rosemont Community School has approximately 249 students attending from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade eight.  Students can start at Rosemont Community School as early as three years of age in the Pre-Kindergarten classes.  


School Programs and Services


Rosemont Community School has a full time Pre-Kindergarten, with a morning and afternoon class, as well as Kindergarten to grade eight classrooms. Our school focuses on the Circle of Courage values, integrating them with Regina Public Schools shared values. Rosemont Community School is also fortunate to have a Nutrition Coordinator who provides a snack to each classroom every morning, as well as a hot lunch and emergency lunch program. We also have an amazing staff that truly cares about students and their overall welfare. They dedicate a lot of volunteer hours in various extra-curricular activities for students including sports’ teams (cross country, volleyball, basketball, badminton, soccer and softball) cup stacking, beading, French club and games club.


School Governance Structure


Rosemont Community School has a principal and vice principal .  We have a Nutrition Coordinator and an active School Community Council (SCC).


Contact Information:

The school has a full time secretary, Ms. Graham, and Rosemont uses student office helpers at lunch time and recess breaks to answer the phones and to greet visitors.  There is a message machine as well and Ms. Graham regularly retrieves the messages from the answering machine..  If you have an urgent matter and are unable to get through by phone, please e-mail rosemont@rbe.sk.ca and write urgent in the subject line. Someone will be sure to respond as quickly as possible.