Attendance Matters

Regina Public has partnered with the United Way to promote attendance matters.  Part of this initiative includes division wide attendance tracking, common attendance letters and messaging, and attendance incentives.  We are aiming for a school wide attendance between 96% and 100%.  Our September attendance was 94%.  Families of st

Schools Cash Online

We have had a number of parents anxiously waiting to pay online for fees, lunchroom etc.  The Schools cash online is set to be operational October 1st.  Until that time, you can wait to pay online or pay by cash or cheque in the office.  We appreciate your patience.

School clothing orders

The SCC is once again offering school clothing for sale! If you missed the SCC booth at the open house, school clothing order information can be found here:

Orders are due to the SCC by November 25.  Cash please.


Welcome Back Barbecue

Thanks to all of the families who came out to meet the teachers and to enjoy a meal with our school community!  We are fortunate to have a committed group of staff members who gave up time with their own families to cook for and spend time with our school family.  Special thanks to Ms.